LC29HEA doesn't apply ntrip fixes (it seems)

With esp32 I have not yet been able to connect the lc29hea module via Bluetooth. However, I managed (thanks to the materials that Mr. Bamarcante linked to me) to connect the cell phone, via wifi with esp8266 - esp-link -, to the GPS module. With gnss master via TCP connection I have the gps data in the application. The GPS position data remains in single position despite the activation of the NTRIP service.
The firmware of my module is as follows: $PQTMVERNO,LC29HEANR11A03S_RSA,2023/10/31,16:52:14*2B.
How do I solve it? Thank you

Hi @falajons
LC29HEANR11A03S_RSA is the latest software version.
Does your NTRIP service support RTCM3? Is the output message type MSM4 or MSM7?

Thanks again George.
You asked me questions that were difficult for me. I attach the screenshot of the QGNSS software running where I show the mount point (gal_imax_msm5).
I also attach documents from the Spin3 Lombardy landline.
The mystery remains why with QGNSS I arrive at the “fix” while with Android apps connected via Bluetooth I remain “single”
Prodotti_realtime_merged.pdf (1.1 MB)

Hi @falajons
So what you mean is that you can use the same account to achieve a fixed solution on the QGNSS module, but can only achieve a single-point solution using Bluetooth, right?

When using the RTK function, the module obtains RTCM data from the mount point and also needs to upload the current position information to the mount point (usually by uploading GGA messages).

Exactly George: with the same account if I connect via qgnss and usb cable I easily reach “float” mode and then “fis” while if I access via blutoot with gnss master (but also sw maps) I always remain in “single” mode. What can I do to fix it!? Or is it a ntrip caster problem!? I will also try the free caster from the Veneto region (Italy) and will let you know. thank you very much