LC29HEA does not seem to communcate

I have just received this MOZIHAO LC29HEA development board:

With this antenna:

I am using QGNSS V1.10 and have tried all 4 combinations of switches on the development board but I do not seem to be receiving data from the board.

30 seconds or so after plugging in the USB, the red LED on the board starts flashing.

I tried sending $PQTMVERNO*58 to it with no response as can be seen here:

What should I try next?


Hi Dale , U must connect at 460800 baud due it’s default data…
Join theese RTK gps on a budget - Other Hardware - ArduPilot Discourse
and here Firmware Request: LC29HEA Adjustable Update Rate for Ardupilot Utilization


Hi Marco, I suspected something so simple, sorry, I had previously played with a LC29HAA which defaults to 115200.

I had even wondered how they were going to do 10hz at 115200 before I purchased this… dah
