LC29HBS not respond when send command (e.g $PQTMVERNO*58)

I use QGNSS V1.10 tool to interface with LC29HBS module (below images) by UART
When I plug USB port to PC, I had messages:

RTCM3:1005 Size:25
0000 D3 00 13 3E DD 07 03 C0 00 00 04 95 00 00 00 00
0001 00 0E CD 02 50 A6 42 31 97

from module BUT when I send command check the version, there have no respond messages.
Because of that, I can’t configure the module parameter
Hope you will have some solution to this resolve.

if not use sscom… Firmware Request: LC29HEA Adjustable Update Rate for Ardupilot Utilization - #7 by bamarcant