LC29HBA RTK signal module while driving

Hi to all. My RTK signal disappears while driving. LC29HBA module. Maybe I configured the module incorrectly, but I no longer know what to do so that the RTK signal does not disappear while driving.

Hi Antyk

  1. Please use the “$PQTMVERNO*58” command to check the version of the module and let me know.
  2. Check if the version has been activated. The unactivated version will output “$PQTMTXT,1,01,01,03,This version is not licensed, please contact FAE.*7C”. If it is not activated, please contact Local FAE for activation.
  3. Has the LC29HBA module ever entered the RTK fixed solution?
  4. LC29HBA supports MSM4, MSM5 and MSM7. Please make sure that the VRS data you are using meets the requirements.
  5. Is the module connection stable? Will the VRS data injection failure during driving cause this problem?

Hello, george gao. The module works in RTK FIX while standing still. When moving, the mogul starts working in normal mode. The module supports MSM4. And what is VRS, I don’t know.

I no longer know that it is necessary for the module to work constantly in rtk mode while driving. If only I knew exactly what settings to enter exactly. The RTK signal works when standing still and not moving. The Internet connection is normal, the module accepts more than 40 satellites. HDOP 0.33-0.4. Navigation frequency 1Hz, RTK frequency 1Hz. I choose a base station on a free caster. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Hi Antyk
VRS: Virtual Reference Station

  1. If you can achieve a fixed solution in static conditions, but not in dynamic conditions, first check whether the connection line between the device that transmits RTCM data to the module and the module is stable.
  2. Check the distance from the free base station to you. If the range of the base station is beyond your driving range, the module may also not be able to enter a fixed solution.
  3. Please use the “$PQTMVERNO*58” command to check the version of the module and let me know.

Hi george.gao.
Maybe I used the wrong base station, but I still don’t understand how to choose a base station. I understand that it is necessary to choose by the range I1-I5 and by distance. The nearest station is 40 km from me, which operates in the L1-L2 range. I am still not sure about the settings of my module. If only it were possible to find out exactly the settings that need to be entered into the module. And it is also possible that bluetooth works incorrectly and loses RTCM corrections.
I can give some settings of my module
$PAIR050, 1000* 12
$PAIR432, 0* 23
$PAIR062, 0.1* 3F