LC29HBA - RTK is not working

Please tell me if this module may not work in RTK mode in a certain country or area? I can’t get it to accept RTK corrections in any way. The module is always in GPS SPS Mode. I managed to find out the firmware version.
Help solve the problem. Thank you.

Hi Antyk,

There is no restriction of RTK mode in a certain area.
Please check the items below. Thanks.

  1. The module is working in a good signal environment.

  2. You can check the RTK account, mount point details in QGNSS tool. And check if the protocol format is supported by LC29HBA

    Supported RTCM message type:

Best regards.

Thanks again for your help. I managed to get float rtk but no fix rtk yet. I understood now how to configure the module and realized what I did wrong. Thanks again for your help.