LC29H response time

I am developing a tracker for vehicles with LC29H but as speed increases the scan becomes slow to read the coordinate points, losing definition of points on the route.

In the figure, the paths do not follow the highway, because it waits for the GNGGA string to collect the coordinates and I parse via serial.

Or am I doing it wrong?

Is there another way to collect the coordinates faster?

Hi Wizard,

What kind of vehicle do you use your device on? Did the vehicle run on the high-speed way?

Please query the firmware version on your LC29H module. You can send $PQTMVERNO*58 to the module.

LC29H series supports up to 10Hz fix rate. After you confirm the firmware, I will share you the command to enable high update rate.

Best regards.

This route is a highway where vehicles travel at up to 120 km/h.

Cool, I’ll test this update.

I had the impression that it already has version 58.

If you could explain how to update with 10Hz, it would be very helpful!

My best regard!