LC29H firmware request

Hi, could I get the latest firmware for LC29H(DA) and LC29H(BS)?

Current firmware versions:

  • LC29H(BS): LC29HBSNR11A01S
  • LC29H(DA): LC29HDANR11A01S_RSA

Hi Customer
LC29H(BS) is the latest software.
The latest version of LC29HDA is LC29HDANR11A02S_RSA, I will send it to you by email.

Where can i can find the config file for the LC29HBSMD model?

Hi @Osman_Okumus
Please provide your email address and I will send you the relevant information via email.

(post deleted by author)

Hi @Osman_Okumus
Please use QGNSS tool to download the firmware. QGNSS tool download link: QGNSS_V1.10_CN | 移远通信 (
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

Can I please get the firmware too? I have LC29H DA board

Hi @S_F
Please provide your email address and I will send you the relevant information via email.

Can I get the firmware? LC29H (DA)

Hi @Hoang_Th_nh_Than_Vo
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.
Please use QGNSS tool to download the firmware. QGNSS tool download link: QGNSS_V2.0_CN | 移远通信

I also need the firmware for LC29HEA, it has version 2023 ($PQTMVERNO,LC29HEANR11A03S_RSA,2023/10/31,16:52:14*2B) and I need to reset the device to the latest firmware.
Can you please send it to ?
Thank you !

Hi @JM_Mari
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

Can I please get the firmware too? I have LC29H DA board
Current firmware versions: