LC29H-EVB Tools and Information

Looking for documentation, software/application for the LC29H-EVB.

Can someone point me to the right link to use the GNSS/GPS driver/software.


Hi Jean Paul,

I will send you related document via message.

Best regards.


I also just got the LC29H EVB, is there a link yet for software/application download ?
Help is much appreciated :slight_smile:

Best Regards

[SOLVED] no more help needed.

For anyone stumbling accros this thread - download the “EVB User Guide” for the corresponding Module from the official Quectel Website, it will include all the necessary Information.

In General, assuming you have the EVB, youll need the QGNSS Software and corresponding Driver (also described in the user guide). Most of the Quectel GNSS Modules (if not all) can be evaluated with that. Hope that helps!

Best Regards