LC29H does not display satellite data

When the LC29H AA module was first connected, it worked, there was satellite information output via the NMEA protocol, but after connecting the module to HC 05 and supplying 3.7v battery power to the module, it stopped receiving satellites at any speed (default 115200), TX blinks , RX is blinking faintly and power is on, what should I do? Help

Hi Deniss Shabelnikov,

Did you read COM port from USB or HC-05 when you didn’t get any NMEA from LC29HAA?

TX blinks, that means LC29HAA keeps outputing. Generally, you should receive NMEA data. Can you check if the TXD and RXD connection is not reversed?

And also note that LC29HAA I/0 voltage is 2.8v.

Best regards.

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