Hi Team
i am unable to read the Data from LC29H-DA via UART, where i am directly connecting the module to USB to TTL converter.
can any one guide us how to connect and get the data from the module
Very hard to spot without a shema… Use a tester and find out if there is connection between tx(20) and rx(21) between the lc29h chip and the pins on the board as well as check if it is connected and is powered(23) to 3.3V.Between the pin_board and the converter ch340 plug cable tx → rx ; rx → tx and gnd → gnd, leave vcc of ch340 unplugged and at 115200 baud use qgnss.
p.s. pins the lc29h on the board for gnd (insert the screws) (!.
Yes we have done like that only but no response from the module, either we have to send any commands to the module
No not in this manner,need to plug the submodule to mainboard and try…
if still try so as in last pic need to power also with 3.3v the vcc of ch340 to submodule but be aware it is not a good choice because of particular schema of the submodule itself…