from where i can download the lc29h da firmware configuration file?
String: $PQTMVERNO*58
from where i can download the lc29h da firmware configuration file?
String: $PQTMVERNO*58
Thank you!
I have a problem with the update.
I ask me to press the reset button but the board dose not have a dedicated reset buton. I have shorted the uart reset pin to ground but dose not work.
[11:25:40.517] Ready
 [11:26:00.819] LC29HDA:Downloading
 [11:26:00.824] Handshake… (Press the module reset button!)

[11:26:21.651] [State_handshake_with_Module]
[LINE:163] send:A0 total:2000 times not RECEIVE:5F
[11:26:21.652] Download Fail
Hi Vasi
Is there a solder pad on PIN8? You can simply short PIN8 and GND and then release it to reset the module.
it gives me this error
[12:19:06.916] Disable WDT…
[12:19:06.926] Download DA…
[12:19:09.351] [State_send_DA_File_to_Module] [LINE:439] # DA_CHECKSUM RECEIVE:00 F8 unequal DA_COMPUTE_CHECKSUM 46 1D
[12:19:09.352] Download Fail
Hi Vasi
Are you using the latest QGNSS tools? The download link for the latest tools is:QGNSS_V1.10_CN | 移远通信 (quectel.com.cn)
Please try again with the latest QGNSS tool.
Ok, after few more tries it worked. Thank you
String: $PQTMVERNO*58