LC29H(DA) estimated position error


I’m developing implementation with LC29H(DA) RPi HAT, and requesting feature for new firmware: estimated position error. According datasheets it’s not available. Rival chip ublox supports $PGRME NMEA messages. Estimated position error is valuable piece of information, that should be implemented by default on RTK devices.

Hi Anviltop,

LC29HDA supports PQTMEPE which outputs estimated position error.

Send: $PQTMCFGMSGRATE,W,PQTMEPE,1,2*1D → enable PQTMEPE output.

Send: $PQTMSAVEPAR*5A → save PQTM configurations
Then reset or reboot, module will keep outputing PQTMEPE message.

Best regards.

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Thanks Raphael-Q. Again! :slight_smile: