LC29H DA ephemeris

I have an LC29H DA module with USB and a battery. Is the battery used to maintain ephemeris data? If I download the ephemeris files, how can I upload them?

What do you recommend to achieve the best possible accuracy?

Best regards, and thank you.

LC29H uses AGNSS for store epo data,practically supplanted by SBAS dgps feature , but what makes the module precise is rtk by injecting RTCM MSM4_or_7 (also ephemeris) data in it. Button cell keeps data stored for short time for reboot purpose.To make the module footloose (rover) it is better to combine it with a wifi or bluetooth module and use a ntrip client to send corrections.

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Hi, thanks. Yes, I have connected the module to an ESP32, and I send it RTCM data that I get via NTRIP. That’s why I’m asking about the ephemeris data—if I can improve the accuracy by uploading them when the ESP32 starts.

How can I update the firmware?

this is the version



Hi, the firmware (I think) is the latest…
the rtcm input can do a good fix but need to be comgrugruas; open a strsvr and see the specific stream.
For manuals & docs here after registration:
here the main reliable links downloadable:

out of curiosity I found this old method that might interest

The RTCM client used by Quectel is “BNC-2.12.2-Windows.msi”, which can be downloaded from
however if rtcm service is valid the module enters rtk immediately (60s) even after a full cold start $PAIR007*3D
and even if sbas disabled $PAIR410,0*23
Also the quality of the antenna is crucial…

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Hello, thank you very much for the information. I have an STA-901A antenna and achieve float RTK indoors and fixed RTK outdoors. My question is whether I can achieve even better accuracy with ephemeris data. I understand it’s not necessary. Thank you.

Imho can obtain better results in post processing by logging all rtcm data output from module
need to be put in $PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,W,2*29 # set receiver to base mode
$PAIR432,1*22 ==> set RTCM3.x output with type MSM7
$PAIR436,1*26 ==> set RTCM3.x output with satellite ephemeris
and combine precise Broadcast ephemeris data with rtklib RTKPOST
For reset module to default rover
$PAIR382,1*2E → Test command for lock system sleep enabled
$PAIR003*39 → power off GNSS system
$PAIR514*3A Clear the current configuration and restore the default settings set via $PAIR
$PAIR512*3C clear all data
$PQTMRESTOREPAR*13 # restore $PQTM params to default
$PAIR023*3B reboot module

I don’t use any base module. I use a rover module that receives RTCM data from a public service in Spain, which provides RTCM 3.2 data for free. The base station is about 6 km away.

I forward the data with an ESP32.

I understand that with these resources, I can’t do more. The HDOP stays at 0.56.

But without much difference between float RTK and fixed RTK.

Bene, però mi riferivo a passare il modulo lc29hda in modalità base anche se lo userai come rover,
questo $PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,W,2*29 serve a impostare il modulo affinchè possa emettere dati rtcm,
anche se puoi contemporaneamente fargli emettere dati nmea con i comandi tipo $PAIR062,0,1*3F (GGA) $PAIR062,1,1*3E $PAIR062,2,1*3D $PAIR062,3,1*3C $PAIR062,4,1*3B $PAIR062,5,1*3A $PAIR062,6,1*39 e comunque può ricevere le correzioni e andare in rtk…(almeno sul mio lc29hea funziona).

aaaaa interesting, thanks. Forgive my ignorance. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I understand that if I configure the LC29HDA to emit RTCM data as if it were a base station and store the data to post-process later with RTKLIB, I could achieve much better accuracy. In some cases, that would be fine, thank you for the explanation.

However, I am trying to implement a real-time solution, I am not considering post-processing. But it is something I need to keep in mind for implementing other solutions.

Since you mention it, what’s the difference between the DA and BS module? Predefined configurations?

DA has rtk engine at 1Hz, predefined as rover.
BS same as AA can output raw rtcm data, as base.
EA has rtk engine at 10Hz ,predefined as rover.
BA has rtk & dr engine, so it can fix position also in indoors.
CA only dr.