LC29H(BA) Receive RTCM3 data via I2C

so I configured the parsing and reading of NMEA data via I2C with the LC29H(BA) successfully. However I would like to extract the raw RTCM3 messages via I2C from the module for converting and PPP post processing. The Module should receive all the necessarry information for that as far as I understand.

With the EVB you can see the RTCM raw data (View → Binary Data) but it is unclear for me how to read this data via I2C. When I read from the 0x54 register the data seems to be already converted to NMEA strings (as HEX).

Is there a way to read from a specific register to obtain the raw RTCM3 binary data ? Is a special firmware needed for that ? Or is it overall not supported with the LC29H(BA) ?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Hi Marco_Soehnges,

Which programme you used for I2C?
Can you save the log from i2c and share with me?

Best regards.

Hi Raphael,
sorry for the late answer!

I managed to get it working. Turns out it was a problem with sending the command to enable the RTCM3 output :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help anways and best regards,