LC29h and ESP32 reading data from gps

Hi there, I’m trying to get GPS data from LC29HDA on my phone via bluetooth using an ESP32-S3 module but I’m not getting any data. Can someone indicate a sample code how to read the location information from the GPS. Thanks!

Hi Vasi

  1. You can use the serial port tool to check whether the GNSS module has output positioning information.
  2. When using the ESP32-S3 module and the GNSS module, ensure that the baud rate is consistent, 1 stop bit, no parity bit, 8 data bits, and no flow control.

I’ve set the no flow control using this commands:
how i chan check if no flow control is working?

and how i set up 1 stop bit, no parity bit, 8 data bits?


Hi Vasi

  1. The default setting for LC29HDA is 1 stop bit, no parity bit, 8 data bits, and no flow control. You need to make sure that the ESP32-S3 is also configured in this way.
  2. Have you tried to use the serial port tool to directly check whether the module outputs NMEA? You can use the QGNSS tool, download link: QGNSS_V1.10_CN | 移远通信 (

When i connect the module via the included USB C port it works I can connect to Qgnss app and it reads the data

When I try to connect via UART pins It cant read any data I have tried with Qgnns app and Serial port monitor app

I’ve tried the same method with other GPS board that I have and it works perfectly

I don’t know how to configure the board to deliver data via UART pins. Can anyone help? Thanks !

Hi @Vasi
As shown in the picture, is my understanding correct?

  1. Please make sure that the hardware connection is correct, and the TX of GPS is connected to the RX of the serial port board.
  2. Use an oscilloscope to measure the TX PIN to see if there is any waveform change?
  3. Confirm whether the voltage of TX and RX PIN matches the voltage of the serial port board?

I’ve connected the board to esp and its working now I can read the data. the problem comes from the two buttons on the board the uart one must be set to the right

Hello, Messrs. Vasi and George, sorry if I intrude into your discussion.
I congratulate Mr. Vasi because it solved the problem of connecting the gps module with the esp32 module.
I would have to ask Mr. Vasi can share the sketch used to configure the esp32 (I have several of the esp32 modules even in the mini version) so that it can communicate with the quectel gps module (mine is LC29Hea).
The undersigned also tried the connection between the two modules but without success.
Alternatively I ask Mr. Vasi, can I contact him by email!?
My email is the following:
A thousand thanks


Hi @Vasi
Great, maybe you can look at the schematic, it should be that UART and USB cannot support simultaneous communication. Congratulations again on debugging.