LC29H (AA) I2C working?

I’m trying to query for NMEA data using the “I2C Application Note”.

The “0x50” device appears on the bus but I don’t see “0x54”.

My LC29H (AA) module details are:

UC6580I G1B1L1E1 COM1
PN 2400615000268
SN 20230727114033005
HWVer 00
FWVer R6.0.0.0Build3700
Copyright (c), Unicore Communications Inc.
All rights reserved.

Do I need new firmware?

Or is the application note out of date?



Ooops, embarrassing, I pasted the wrong module’s firmware.

Here is the firmware for the LC29HAA:


I assume I2C is enabled by default?

Hi @allanmac
Please provide your email address and I will send you the relevant information via email.


Thank you!

Hi @allanmac
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

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