LC02HBA no heading information


I wonder how I will get the heading information from the LC02HBA.
Pitch and roll is there, but no heading.


GNSS heading status indication:
0 = Not available or invalid

I tested it out of the box.
Do I have to do some configurations/calibrations first?


Ok. Works. But it takes some time.

Hey, same Problem here. Could You tell me Your firmware version?

Mine is: LC02HBANR01A02S_RQN_DH_TEMP1116,2023/11/16,14:37:52

The same


I would like to ask if an update is available.

Mine is LC02HBANR01A02S_RQN_DH_TEMP1116,2023/11/16,14:37:52 too and same issue.

There seems to be some issue with baseline too. It seems to be 0.000 when default should be 0.220 and valid range between 0.200 - 1.000


When trying to set any baseline value, module responses with error code. No matter what valid value used.


Is there some issue with firmware and would there be an update available ?

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I have the exact same issue :frowning:

Hi All

  1. Make sure your software version is activated.
  2. When testing, both antennas need to be connected and the test needs to be performed in an open environment.
  3. The distance between the two antennas can be about 1m, and the Heading result should be achieved in about 1 minute in an open environment.
  1. What are steps to activate LC02H and software version? Please step by step guidace. Haven’t seen this step or requirement anywhere before.

  2. Both antennas are under clear sky. Ok.

  3. This firmware version dynamically calculates baseline distance and use it for heading and RTK calculations. There is no more 1m limitation. Actually device report 0,5 - 6m baseline distances randomly. Antennas are separeted ~2.33m distance apart and time to time this baseline distance is calculated correctly and heading is accurate. Accurate means that heading + 90deg clockwise is in line with accurate fluxgate heading sensor.

Can’t understand that Quectel is not taking any actions to investigate and improve performance. This firmware version is 1y old. Are going to abandon this device as there is no development or fixes anymore?

Query the authentication status, for example:
Return: $PQTMAUTHSTATUS,1,1,10*29 //The second field 1 indicates successful activation, and 0 indicates inactive.
This project is currently at a standstill.

There is no mention about $PQTMQAUTHSTATUS in
quectel_lc02hba_gnss_protocol_specification_v1-0.pdf (Quectel_LC02H(BA)_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V1.0 | Quectel) under section 2.3. PQTM Messages, starting at page 20.

Where this information is available? Are we still talking about LC02H device?

Hi @kgustafs
The $PQTMQAUTHSTATUS command is a software activation command, which we will not write in the protocol document.
You can give me the information you found and I will confirm it.

Here is response to $PQTMQAUTHSTATUS query.

[2024-11-18 17:05:53.157 Uart Tx:0021 B] $PQTMQAUTHSTATUS*55
[2024-11-18 17:05:53.227 Uart Rx:0027 B] $PQTMAUTHSTATUS,1,1,40*2C

Hi @kgustafs
Your software version is activated.
Please provide your email address and I will send you some guidance documents for LC02H testing.