LC02H Documentation

I purchased a board using the LC02H(BS) module; but other than an AGNSS Application Note, I can’t find any documentation. Please provide a copy of the Hardware Reference and the Protocol Reference?

Hi Luke,

Can you confirm again on your module shielding case? I guess you purchased LC29H(BS) which is for base station application.

Best regards.

It is LC02HBAMD.

Hi Luke,

I will send you LC02H(BA) documents via message.

Best regards.

1 Like

I also bought two LC02HBAMD modules.

Can you send me the documents as well?
The seller sent me ‘Quectel_LC02H系列_GNSS_协议规范_V1.0.0’ , but the information is not complete and there are some errors.
For example, my GPS log has:

Quality = 6 is not in the above ‘协议规范_V1.0.0’.

(24 / 44 page) Poll should be Roll, Acc_Ritch should be Acc_Pitch.

x, y, z on the module are roll, pitch and heading ?


Hi Mikewen,

I will send you related documents via message.

Best regards.


I’m testing an LC02HBAMD. Could you send me the related documents as well?

Thanks much,


Hi Frank,

Please confirm the current firmware on your LC02H by sending $PQTMVERNO*58 to the module.

I will send you related documents via message.

Best regards.

Dear Raphael,

We are also evaluating the LC02HBAMD modules. Could you kindly share the relevant documentation ?


Hi R4d,

I will send you related document via message.

Best regards.

I’ve just bought the LC02HBA and need some documentation as well. I’m quite happy with the performance of the heading, roll & pitch calculations so far.

Best regards,

Hi ErikB,

I will send you LC02HBA related document via message.

Best regards.