Latest Firmware request for EC200U-CN


I’m new to this, recently i bought the below module and tried to get GNSS data.

Revision: EC200UCNAAR02A01M08

Error code:
[2022-12-14 18:47:31:774_S:] AT+QGPS=1
[2022-12-14 18:47:31:835_R:] AT+QGPS=1
[2022-12-14 18:47:31:835_R:] OK
[2022-12-14 18:47:42:246_S:] AT+QGPSCFG=“nmeasrc”,1
[2022-12-14 18:47:42:313_R:] AT+QGPSCFG=“nmeasrc”,1
[2022-12-14 18:47:42:313_R:] OK
[2022-12-14 18:47:52:558_S:] AT+QGPSGNMEA=“GGA”
[2022-12-14 18:47:52:616_R:] AT+QGPSGNMEA=“GGA”
[2022-12-14 18:47:52:616_R:] +CMS ERROR: Requested facility not subscribed

connected gps antenna and 4g antenna with it.

Please let me know. how to resolve this.

Hi Jprathap,

EC200UCNAAR02A01M08 is really an old version, GNSS function is supported since EC200UCNAAR02A04M08 vesion. I will send you the latest firmware via MESSAGE. Please find attached.

Best regards.

Thanks Raphael, that’s great…

Hi Raphael,

I have followed the flash instruction. but i can’t able to flash it. it stuck at the below screen.

screenshot of normal connect:
before qdownload mode

I tried both “AT+QDOWNLOAD” and ( USB_BOOT & VDD_EXT ) short with 4.7kohms methods.

screenshot after qdownload mode:

the upgrade tool not seems working.

Please help me on flashing new firmware.

Thanks & Regards
JayaPrathap A

Hi Jprathap,

I sent you the latest QFlash tool via MESSAGE. The package has a user guide. Please refer to COM Port Selection for EC200U/RG500U/RG200U/RM500U

Best regards.

Hi Raphael,

I tried to flash using QFlash tool and followed the steps as per instructions.

It started to flash




Thanks & Regards

Hi Jprahtap,

Please confirm that

  1. to choose AT port for upgrading
  2. AT port is available. No other tools occupy the AT port
  3. whether the module was power down during upgrading.
    Best regards.

Hi Raphael,

Thanks for the reply.

1.i choose AT port for upgrade.
2.At port is available., the module didn’t power down during upgrade.

Thanks & Regards

Hi Raphael,

please check the below video for more details.

log entries:

[2022-12-22 10:07:06:724] ===============================C:\Users\DarkDargon\Desktop\QFlash_V6.1\QFlash_V6.1.exe
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:730] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:734] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:737] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:740] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:743] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:746] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:748] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:751] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:753] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:06:754] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:08:771] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:08:771] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:07:08:772] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-22 10:08:14:341] Write: Call GetOverlappedResult() fail, [ErrorCode: 0x00000079].

Please help me on this.

Thanks & Regards

Hi Jprathap,

According to the response, the problem may cause by driver. Please uninstall the the old driver and install this new one. (9.4 MB)

Best regards.

Hi Raphael,

I tried the driver, but still getting same error.

the error log:

[2022-12-23 11:51:45:538] ===============================C:\Users\DarkDargon\Desktop\QFlash_V6.1\QFlash_V6.1.exe
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:543] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:548] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:551] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:553] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:556] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:559] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:562] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:565] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:567] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:45:568] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:47:569] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:47:570] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:51:47:571] UartWatchProc: EV_RX80FULL detected,maybe lose some data at driver level.
[2022-12-23 11:52:53:116] Write: Call GetOverlappedResult() fail, [ErrorCode: 0x00000079].

Thanks & Regards

Dear Jprathap, could you please give me your email address? I will send you a new upgrade tool.

Hi Iyman,

Thanks for response, I shared the mail id on pvt message.

Thanks & Regards

Dear Jprathap,I send it to you,please check.

Hi Iyman,

the tool worked fine. now updated to latest firmware. Thanks :grinning: :+1:.


It is possible to send me the QFlash tool? My one won’t upgrade the EG915U


Hi Itdontgo,

I will send you Qflash_V6.4 via message.

Best regards.


Can I get the QFlash tool as well ? I have V5.2 and it won’t upgrade the EC200U-CN.


I have sent it to your email,pls chk

got it sir. thank you