Latest firmware for EP06-A?

Hi there. I have an EP06-A module and would like to flash the latest firmware – if someone could kindly provide a link and how I actually flash it. I’m running Debian 12 – I’m guessing there is a utility that will do it or do I have to send the firmware data via AT commands?

Primary reason I believe I need a firmware upgrade is because I am having issues with SMS and voice calls on Verizon and I think it has something to do with IMS. I have QMBNCFG=“AutoSel” set to 1, and the modem selects hVoLTE-Verizon MBN, but SMS send/receiving doesn’t work. I tried AT+QCFG=“ltesms/format”,1 and that doesn’t help either.

I found these commands from unofficial sources so I’m not certain I am using these commands correctly. That did not help.

What APN am I supposed to use that will get me online and provides all the Verizon IMS stuff? Is it “vzwims” or just “ims”? Because it seems I can only get online with APN “vzwinternet”. I tried setting AT+QCFG=“ims”,1 but that doesn’t help, at according to the docs, the value 0 should be used anyway so it uses the value from the MBN, which is what I want.

Any clarification how IMS should be used would be great. Thanks everyone.

This is what version information the module returns currently:

Revision: EP06ALAR02A07M4G


I have sent the latest firmware to your email,pls try again

can i get that too? curious on the release notes for .

Thank you. The release notes say for the firmware is for model EM06 and I have an EP06. Just making sure it’s the same I don’t want to end up bricking my module.


I have sent it to your email

I have sent the EM06ALAR03A05M4G_01.006.01.006 to you again

can i also get the newest firmware?

I have sent the latest firmware to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thx