Latest Firmware BG95-M3

Is it possible to get the location based on GPS through ModemManager via D-Bus?
If I query the capabilities it only shows 3GPP-based location:
interface org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Location {
Setup(in u sources,
in b signal_location);
GetLocation(out a{uv} Location);
SetSuplServer(in s supl);
InjectAssistanceData(in ay data);
SetGpsRefreshRate(in u rate);
readonly u Capabilities = 1;
readonly u SupportedAssistanceData = 0;
readonly u Enabled = 1;
readonly b SignalsLocation = false;
readonly a{uv} Location = {};
readonly s SuplServer = ‘’;
readonly as AssistanceDataServers = ;
readonly u GpsRefreshRate = 0;

My current firmware version is BG95M3LAR02A03_01.200.01.200.

I have sent it to you

I have sent it to you

I have sent it to you

I have sent it to you

Hello, my current firmware version is BG95M3LAR02A04_01.200.01.200
Could you please send me the most up to date version, as well as a diff update file from my current version?

Thank you

Hello, can I please have the latest fw and meessages.xml for BG95-M3***?

Thank you !

I have sent it to you

I have sent it to you

Could you please also provide me with a DFOTA delta firmware update file from BG95M3LAR02A04_01.200.01.200 to BG95M3LAR02A04_01.204.01.204

Thank you!

Sorry, you need to provide this requirement to

thank you!
Could you provide the Ue monitor for debbugging? I have the old one 3.022 only.

Are you using BG95 or BC95G? If you are using BG95, you need to use Qwinlog to get debug log

We are using BG95. Is Qwinlog for new versions of SW?
As I remember for old one we used UEMonior. Could you share with me Qwinlog?

I have sent it to you

Hi, can you provide latest firmware for BG95-M3? My module has firmware version BG95M3LAR02A02_01.003.01.003

Thank You!

I have sent it to you

Hi, can you provide latest firmware for BG95-M3?

Thank you

Please provide your current firmware version


I cannot get the firmware version. The modem is not responding to any command seems like it is bricked.