you try to download again,I resent it to you
Thank you, it works now.
My BG95-M5 has BG95M5LAR02A05_01.001.01.001 FW on it.
May I have the newest, please?
I lalos have BG96-MA with BG96MAR02A10M1G_01.200.01.200
Can I also have the latest for that as well, please?
IT would be very helpful.
Can I use my QFLASH_V6.0 to flash both these devices, separately of course?
If I need a new flash tool version, please let me know which or where to grab it.
Thank You so much
Kindly request latest firmware for BG95-M3 as well.
I’d like to get access to BG95-M3 Firmware which allows to use the tools for eSIM API: eSIM - QuecPython
Serial P1C20CI1E000409
I’m trying to flash
BG95M3LAR02A03_01.017.01.017 to my BG95-M3 using Qmulti DL v3.4, but I get a ‘License Verify Fail’.
Could you send me a link to Qmulti or other tool that allows me to flash this firmware under Windows?
I have sent you the latest Qflash, if you need the multi-terminal upgrade tool Qmulti, you need to apply to Quectel
Could you send me the latest firmware version for BG95-M1, please?
My firmware: AT+QGMR BG95M1LAR02A04_01.008.01.008
My email:
Please send me the lastest firmware
[2024-03-05 11:33:54:218_R:] Quectel
[2024-03-05 11:33:54:218_R:] BG95-M3
[2024-03-05 11:33:54:218_R:] Revision: BG95M3LAR02A03
Please send me the latest firmware.
After an erroneous downgrade, I’d need the firmware version BG95M3LAR04A03_01.200.01.200. Where can I find that?
I have sent it to your email,pls check
I have sent it to your email,pls check
I have sent it to your email,pls check
I have sent it to your email,pls check
Thank you for sending the latest version, but we would like to keep the production on the all the same version for now and therefore would need an older version: BG95M3LAR04A03_01.200.01.200 Is that possible?
I have sent it to you
My firmware is BG95M3LAR02A03. Can I get the latest please.
Hello, I have BG95M3LAR02A03_01.200.01.200, could i get most update FW pls ?
Can I get the latest firmware, please?