I am using a Raspberry pi pico uart to write and receive messages from a L96-M33 module and manage to get the GNSS data with no issues, however, I wanted to swtich the baudrate because 9600 seems too slow for all the data and noticed that the module does not respond to any commands.
I am sending - “$PQVERNO,R*3F” to check the version, and get no response whatsoever…
Is there any fix to this? I have verified that the command is received at the module’s pin at the correct voltage and baudrate, might even try a logic analyzer to see if it is the correct message, but it looks fine.
Can you supply an separate power for L96, and use some jumper wire to connect to TXD1 pin and RXD1 pin?
It seems like the port is occupied. So L96 cannot receive commands.
Did you purchase a single module? Or an evaluation board?
I am using a single L96-M33 unit and was trying to send UART commands via a Raspberry Pi Pico. I solved the issue, Instead of sending “PQVERNO,R3F", I should have sent "PQVERNO,R3F\r\n”. After adding those two characters the device responded and I got the correct version!
Thanks for the reply anyways, I have now switched to the LC79DA and have figured out the commands for that one as well, but it seems that the GNSS protocol does not mention such sentences to check its firmware version. Do you have by any chance any other documents? I was able to find the command, which gets the LC79DA version from another forum post, but I might need some other commands as well.