L89 V_BCKP current consumption

I am using L89H module. V_BCKP is at 3.3V coming from LDO. LDO input is lithium cell. Somehow V_BCKP started drawing high current; it is around 58mA.
I have kept VCC off but I also noticed VCC has gone up to ~ 550 mV, once V_BCKP is connected.
I removed the L89H from PCB, the VCC stays at 0V but once I put it back the VCC is moved to ~500 mV even if VCC is off.

Otherwise L89H module is working fine.

Hi @N_N

  1. Please provide a clear picture of the test module
  2. How did you test it? What equipment did you use for testing?
  3. V_BCKP is powered by the lithium cell, so how is VCC powered?