L89 R2.0 serial command not working post firmware update

can you please share firmware for L89 R2.0.
I have dumped with some firmware available from Forum but post dumping my L89 module not responding to At commands.




receiving this command post reset

Hi ManojR,

You can query L89 R2.0(L89HA) firmware by sending $PQTMVERNO*58.
I will send you latest firmware via message.

Best regards.

$PQTMVERNO*58 i am not getting any response for this command too…





HEX: 24 50 51 54 4d 56 45 52 4e 4f 2a 35 38 0d 0a

String: $PQTMVERNO*58


HEX: 24 50 51 54 4d 56 45 52 4e 4f 2a 35 38 0d 0a

String: $PQTMVERNO*58

No ACK (PAIR0001) message to… like error etc.

Hi ManojR,

Can you receive any other reply from module by sending other commands?

Best regards

Module responds only for reset…

receiving similar error while flashing.

I am using below attached module and using CP2102 USB and connected to serial pins of device to flash device…

Hi Team,

Firmware update successful and working as expected…( using Airoha IOT flash tool )

Thank You…!!!

whaere i can download Airoha IOT flash tool ?

Hi Droneast,

You can download QGNSS tool for firmware upgrading and debugging on Quectel modules. Download link:

Please select/input a correct model name, so that QGNSS tool can provide a correct program for upgrading.

Best regards.