L89 PowerGPS Evaluation

I have downloaded PowerGPS from quectel forum advise:

It does not work in WIN10 nor in WIN7.

I´ve download Teseo-Suite Pro Tool also, because it is labeled in L89 EVAL kit manual…but I cant send messages

I just want to test the module without programing…

3 hours later, I starting to think there is no option but programing, and I have no time.

Hi Sir,

PowerGPS is a MTK tool, which couldn’t be used for L89.
Do you want to read NMEA sentence directly? If yes, please use our QCOM tool, set 9600bps.
QCOM tool download link:https://cnquectel-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/europe-fae_quectel_com/Ea-S1ZB1rgBPmhZZm03P5EEBcWFZUCFRIolHfXdbupTT7w?e=RaXBlS
And all L89 latest docs and tools from:http://www.quectel.com/ProductDownload/L89.html

Hi Sammy,

ok, I´ve downloaded the QCOM. It´s OK, but it does not append so I have to calculate. That´s could be a improve.

L89 “Quectel_L89_GNSS_Specification_V1.1.pdf” document downloaded from your link says “Update Rate: 1 Hz (Default), up to 10 Hz*” — * Under Development.

I have another document “Quectel_L89_GNSS_Specification_V1.1.pdf” (same version, “released”, downloaded from quectel web) that does not have the “*” at the end of “Update Rate: 1 Hz (Default), up to 10 Hz”.

1- I choose L89 because I need 10Hz update rate. Is there a new fiirmaware?
2- There is no info in “Quectel_L89_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V1.1.pdf” about changing Baudrate and Update rate commands


Hi Gustavo,

Please use following commands:



4、 $PSTMCFGMSGL,1,1,0x00180056,0x7ec20010


6、 $PSTMCFGPORT,0,0,1,115200

7、 $PSTMCFGTDATA,1964,3443,0.1,00000012



Please note,

  1. we need change CPU loading first, command is PSTMSETPAR.
  2. and 9600bps doesn’t support 10hz, we should change baudrate to 115200 first, command is $PSTMCFGPORT,0,0,1,115200.
  3. PSTMCFGTDATA is used to set update rate.
    NEMA checksum calculate tool:https://cnquectel-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/europe-fae_quectel_com/EYTU1ntTkIRLuYSx57O_y04BGGMhEpET2NsqkvICHRg_EA?e=YRlqIV
    Latest protocol spec download link:https://cnquectel-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/europe-fae_quectel_com/ESzUU8mwZm9Krg9FWdgT7z4B5v5QuMDvMr0GuFZ7KZ4zKA?e=RNlmdw


Is there any other config in order to make this work?

I can get a FIX. One time after 30minutes, it saw 5 sats…
I trayed with an external antenna, the same.

My PCB design is almost the same as L80 GPS PCB… and it worked OK.

I´m getting dissapointed. May be this is because (I suspect, there is no info about) is not MTK.

Bye, Gustavo.

HI Gustavo,

I think we need your detail PCB and Schematic design files for review.
Please send email to support@quectel.com, let us know your company name and region, our local FAE will support you.

hai Sammy

how can i know l89 is responding, mine doesnt respond to this

Hi Abhiv_Gs,

I guess you are using L89HA currently, which is the second generation of L89 module(AKA L89 R2.0). Please check the model mark on the passive antenna whether it is same as this one:

You need to follow another protocol specification. I will send you related document via message.

Best regards.