L89 Module (GPRMC packet : Timestamp milliseconds required)


Above packet information: Milliseconds given 000.
I need milliseconds in that packet any firmware changes for L89 module
but RTC time given milliseconds
and another doubt was, needs to change the default NMEA message ouptus from module. please tell how will changes this messages…

Dear Sir

After obtaining the effective satellite time information, the module’s NMEA sentence is output in whole seconds by default.
The output sentence can be configured through the $PSTMCFGMSGL instruction.

Best Regards

Okay Sir, i will configure and test it now ,

Purpose of above date rate, Can i increase more than 1Hz to this module?

Any possible command( not GETRTCTIME ) to milliseconds timestamp given…

and add other command not in two list
example get RTC Time in NMEA command output but not in a list?

Dear Sir

The update rate can support up to 10Hz. For details, please refer to the $PSTMCFGTDATA command.

Any possible command( not GETRTCTIME ) to milliseconds timestamp given…

If you set a 10Hz update rate, the NMEA time will be output at 10Hz.

Best Regards

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Okay Sir, and I changed NMEA Output response message list ,
That means, i need only RMC packet . but unfortunately whenever this command given it given one time only, this command does not save into nv backup memory…
I need only this response command remaining not all required…
L89 module how to save configurations in backup memory ?

Above command $PSTMCFGTDATA not listed in L89 module GNSS protocol document…

Dear Sir

The configuration can be saved through the $PSTMSAVEPAR command.
Please refer to the attached protocol document.

Best Regards
Quectel_L89_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V1.2.pdf (710.5 KB)

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Thank you for sharing valuable information to me…