L86 GNSS reboot continously

Hi, my L86 GNSS reboot continously
Here is my issue
These response command indicate that my L86 restart ?
Please suggest for me some solutions
I checked my firmware that is latest firmware version L86NR02A02S

I used AT+QCFG=“nvrestore”,0 to erase flash but not work. I can’t using any AT command in L86 AT command document

Dear Sir,
Yes, those messages are start-up ones.
You’d better check if you have set periodic mode and you can disable that by command $PMTK225,0*2B .
Please refer to $PMTK225 in attached doc.
Quectel_Lx0&Lx6&LC86L&LG77L_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V2.1.pdf (525.1 KB)
