Using a L80 device
Software release: $PMTK705,AXN_2.5_3339_15092100,0004,QUECTEL-L80,1.0*08
I try to detect small distance change and I discovered that position output is not updated if the speed is too slow.
Digging in the documentation, I found PMTK 386 that describe a bit this behavior but there is not many information about that.
Please could you develop a bit.
Are there some default values for speed and distance threshold
Thank you
Hi fanfanlatulipe26,
Currently L80 supports “speed threshold” only, there’s no “distance threshold” setting.
Please refer to section “2.3.28. PMTK386 PMTK_API_SET_STATIC_NAV_THD” from the Protocol Specificitaion attached.
(Default speed threshold: 0.4 m/s, by setting the threshold value to 0 this function can be disabled.)
Best regards,
Quectel_Lx0&Lx6&LC86L&LG77L_GNSS_Protocol_Specification_V2.0.pdf (544.3 KB)
Thank you
(I used an older documentation “L80 GPS Protocol Specification V1.4” with less information for PMTK386)
Best regards