L26-T GNSS-L2X-EVB_V1.3 Schematic


Could you please share schematics, BOM, layout files for L26-T Evaluation board marked “GNSS-L2X-EVB_V1.3” ?

Note: Please refer attached image for GNSS L26-T kit

Thanks in advance

Hi Mugilan,

I will send you the docmuents via message.

Best regards.


Can you share the schematics, BOM, layout files of this board with me?

Thanks in advance

Hi @UmutMehmet
Please provide your email address and I will send you the relevant information via email.


My email address is umut.7me@gmail.com

Thanks for helping.

Hi @UmutMehmet
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.

Can someone also send me the schematics to d.szalas@science.ru.nl?

Thanks a lot!


Could someone share this schematic to leolmchen@gmail.com ?

Thanks a lot…

Hi Raphael-Q

May I get this document too ?
Due to I got the same EVB, but user-manual is old.
If I could get your help, it is very helpful.