Is there a firmware update for the EM060K-GL?

I have gotten occasional freezes, when testing the EM060K-GL modem. The current firmware version is EM060KGLAAR01A06M2G. Is there an update available? Thanks!

I will send it by email.

EM060KGLAAR01A07M2G_01.001.01.001 is available.

Thank you very much. This is highly appreciated!

I would also like to have the latest firmware update for the EM060K-GL. Thanks in advance!

Please refer below: (73.4 MB)

EM060KGLAAR01A12M2G_01. - is Verizon version - not works in other countries (with other sim cards) - not loging into operator netowrk.

For Generic firmware: EM060KGLAAR01A11M2G_01.– is needed.

Can you please share with this firmware?


where you lucky enough to find EM060KGLAAR01A11M2G?

Can I have this EM060KGLAAR01A07M2G_01.001.01.001 ?

Why did you said that?
It is not verizon only version.

It is, this is stated in the doc. @Sergey_Toroshchin pasted this below.

After flashing A12 version modem was not able to login to any Polish network, tried on two separate modules. (84.5 MB) - this is Verizon or Geberic version?

As I can understand “12” is Verizon … “11” Generic

i understood the same.

Bean? What about Generic version?

I think this one is it.
Please check the RelaseNotes.

thx, looks like its a generic version

Hi Bean
Could also send EM060KGLAAR01A07M2G_01.001.01.001 to me?

What is the current firmware you are using now?
Please check the release note, maybe it is not allowed to downgrade.