Is it possible to use eSIM with the BC660K-GL module?

I would like to know if it is possible to use eSIM external to the BC660K-GL module?

I plan to use the component with my BC660K-GL modem.

This eSIM is compatible with the GSMA Remote Provisioning specifications (SGP.01 RSP v1.1 ; SGP.11 RSP v3.1 & 3.2; SGP.14 eUICC PKI v1.1 ; SAS-SM).

- Which BC660K-GL AT commands do I use for remote provisioning?
- What is the AT command flow I must follow to use this eSIM?

Do you plan to place eSIM inside the module or on the circuit board?

On the circuit board.

This requirement is satisfied, you should refer to the universal SIM card design

Thanks @herbert.pan-Q ,

But which AT commands do I use for remote provisioning? I couldn’t find anything in the AT command manuals about the eSIM provisioning process.

My local MNO, said that he will provide me with a QR code with the address of the SM-DP+ that my device should access to download the profile. The QR contains the SM+DP+ link to download the profile.

But how do I insert the SM-DP+ link into my BC660K-GL module? Which AT command should I use? Could you explain this provisioning flow on the modem side? Considering that I have the SM-DP+ address given to me by the MNO.

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Sorry, the module cannot configure SIM card through AT Command. Please contact eSIM provider to burn relevant information and permissions in advance

I also want to know the procedure for this.

For example, If you add eSIM externally to bc660k. How do you handle the RSP (Remote SIM provisioning like profile management, and profile updates)?

If this is done by eSIM and the Network Operator’s server, will the module be involved in the process?
As from the standard, for it, the module also needs to handle SMS, and HTTPS communication for Remote provisioning to happen. So who will handle that? Will eSIM handle itself without prompting the user (Application program), or user have to send/receive some specific command to/from eSIM to handle that?

Even if the procedure is handled by eSIM itself, that means it needs to be awake for it, will the module generate some URC for when eSIM is doing something in the background?

Sorry for putting my question here, but I could not find any information in any document or internet on how bc660K handles (if it does) the remote profile updates of eSIM.

Best Regards.

According to your description, your eSIM solution requires a solution provided by the SIM provider, which usually goes like this.If you use such an eSIM(write card by air), after the module recognizes the SIM card at boot, the operator will write the relevant information to the SIM card via SMS or HTTP, and then initiate the registration network

Thanks for your answer.
So in this case, we should ask the vendor of eSIM, if eSIM already has LPA (i.e. LPAe). Then we don’t have to do anything in the module.
But during the RSP process (between eSIM and Network), maybe module resources will be utilized (like SMS or HTTP), so is there a way to know from the module side that eSIM is doing something with the network? (For BC660K), or module need not care about what is happening until eSIM gets registered to the network?

Best Regards.

The module only needs to focus on whether the network can be successfully registered

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It is recommended that eSIM’s vendors provide relevant cases