Inquiry Regarding WAV File Compatibility with Quectel Module

First of all, here are the details of my device:

Revision: EC20CEHCLGR08A04M1G


Currently, I am facing an issue where I am unable to play WAV files uploaded via COM. I have referred to the documentation and understand that the required WAV file format is 8kHz Sample Rate, 16-bit Linear, 1 Mono Channel. I have attempted to convert standard WAV files to this format, but it still does not seem to work. The only WAV files that function correctly are the ones recorded directly by the module. I am unsure if there is a difference in standards or another issue that I might be overlooking, and I am struggling to find a solution.

Could you kindly suggest tools or methods for converting or generating WAV files that meet the module’s required standards? Thank you very much.