Incoming SMS garbled on EC25-EUX

Hello, I am testing EC25-EUX in freepbx/asterisk using the last known working drivers. I have an issue with incoming sms. Certain messages land from the module to Asterisk environment as an urecognizable text string. Example: 0z:y0wM4ñ0Pö0wy4=ΨΔ!ΣXΘ¡ (Partial string, original is longer)

It only happens with some incoming SMSs, there are other SMSs that get delivered perfectly well.

What could be the reason behind this? Is it a decoding issue?

It certainly looks like a decoding failure.

I’m not familiar with Asterisk, and whether it reads SMSs in text-mode or PDU-mode.

If text-mode, the modem is doing the decoding. If PDU, I expect it’s Asterisk doing the decoding (it’s certainly not the modem).

What does the AT command AT+CMGF? return?

0 = PDU-mode
1 = text-mode

Hi and thank for the response. Modem is in PDU-mode, AT+CMGF? returns 0. Previously I had also tried with Text-mode, where then the incoming SMS was rejected by chan_quectel (the driver I am using for Asterisk to communicate with the module), as it said Text mode is not allowed.

Assuming the issue is with Asterisk, is there a recommendable linux package or app that is good for processing incoming SMS with Quectel modules? Perhaps I could revert to that for processing SMS.