We are trying to upload the firmware on EC200UCNAA module on UMTS<E Evaluation board.
As mentioned in document, we enter the module in firmware download mode, but in device manager it is showing USB Serial Device port instead of SPRD U2S DIag Port.
I have tried both methods to put device in download mode. 1) Using AT command AT+QDOWNLAOD and 2) by shorting USB_BOOT and VDD_EXT pin. In both case it shows Serial Devie port. Can you please provide solution for this issue.
I also directly flashing through AT port using QFlash tool, but flashing is not started.
Do you have a Linux PC. Maybe it is easier to try to flash it on Ubuntu PC.
I have double checked that
and then the modem will go to download mode.
And flash the EC200U, acually you even don’t need to set it to download mode.
I have tried with AT+QDOWNLOAD=1, but it still showing USB serial port.
If you have latest driver for EC200UNAA for windows OS, then kindly share.
And I also Linux system, But I don’t have drivers for Linux and tools. Please also share drivers for Linux and tools which are required for flashing. I will try on both systems.
From the picture, the COM12 should be the diag port.
Don’t care about the name of the port. You could try the QFlash now.
I will send you the EC200U driver and you could try it.
Hi @Bean.Wang-Q, I have Quectel EC200CN module and have build merge.pac file using CSDK. Could you please guide me how to flash firmware to the module i’m using linux