Image sc600 for camera security

I made an application in NDK R25c compiled on Ubuntu.
I pushed the application on /system/bin. When I launch my application, as it requires the use of the camera, I have a message "libc : Access denied finding property “”

after investication, I need : boot.img, cache.img, dtbo.imf, mdtp.img, system.img, userdata.img, recovery.img, persist.img, vendor.img android 10 which would allow me to lift the security to run my application on the System/bin

There is no property named
Is your app Android app or written in c language?

my application is totally written in C++.
I think I’ll need to root it

Better to use Android API to develop your project on Android OS.
Even if you need to write c or c++ lanaguage, you can call your code using jni on Android APP.

i need link for Per-process thread pool for processing requests.

if _LP64
#define HELPER_LIB_PATH “/system/lib64/”
#define HELPER_LIB_PATH “/system/lib/”

These two libs are already present.