I am wondering if there is any updates regarding an IDE for BG95 + threadX + QuecOpen.
Someone mentioned PlatformIO.
Do any one know if there are any doc. available?
Thanks in advance
I am wondering if there is any updates regarding an IDE for BG95 + threadX + QuecOpen.
Someone mentioned PlatformIO.
Do any one know if there are any doc. available?
Thanks in advance
Hello Georgi,
YES that is exactly what i need - i use C.
Maybe you have some information on how to set up PlatformIO ?
From your video it seems that you can load the compiled app to the target (BG95M3/M2 in my case) - that utility/script would be very helpful - right now i am using QFST to upload to EFS/FLASH - it’s very time consuming.
Thank you in advance
unfortunately, I froze the project - Quectel does not support such projects…
the upload script is here ( BG96 / BG95 / BG77 )
Very sorry to hear that - it could have been much easier to start dev. with quecopen if an ide was available.
Anyway thank you for the informations regarding QDL95.py
is this QFST to directly flash a user’s custom code directly in the memory of bg95? im trying to understand if this is possible, or i neccesarily need an external mcu like esp32 to use a C code ,for example, with the AT command to command the quectel BG95’s arm cortex A7. Thank you in advance for your help.
for BG95 open project , there is no official IDE be released by Quectel ,
we have to compiled it with cli, and edit by code edit
for IDE tools, the cusotmer can do second development ,based on VScode or eclipse