HTTPS Read Response Header Missing

Hello All,

I have successfully communicated with my server using Quectel MC60 module and Qcom tool.

The only thing I am facing is that, Using QHTTPPOST I got OK response and get Response data after QHTTPREAD.

I am using JSON as post data and all goes well, but I am not getting HEADER in Response, I am getting only BODY.

So, I am unable to read session Id which will be in header.

I have attached my commands and Response text,

Guide me to get Header in response.

Thank You,
Pratik R P


[2022-09-23_15:04:26:217]+CSQ: 19,0



[2022-09-23_15:04:27:223]DEACT OK



[2022-09-23_15:04:28:243]+CREG: 1,“15EF”,“EE87”




[2022-09-23_15:04:30:243]+CME ERROR: 1


[2022-09-23_15:04:31:254]+CGPADDR: 1, “”
























[2022-09-23_15:04:56:118]AT+QHTTPCFG =“requestheader”,1




[2022-09-23_15:04:58:140] AT+QHTTPCFG=“contenttype”,0




// my URL//










[2022-09-23_15:05:24:110]{Recieved BODY JSON} from server Header is missing


1 Like

Unfortunately, our http does not enable the ability to display http headers

My purpose is to read session id from Header which I do not get from it. Also it is not available in body. So what should I do to get session id from response.

ok, I know what you mean. You can test whether you can meet your expectations by configuring the http header. I have sent you the document by private email

I am getting header while getting response back from an API server. How to disable this header so that I didn’t get header while reading incoming Payload on Post requests