HTTPS Get Request with range issue


i’m developing an application with EG912U-GL and I need to do a HTTPS Get Request but with range.
I’m using the AT+QHTTPGETEX command and the string that I send to the modem is “AT+QHTTPGETEX=30,0,100” (start from 0 and for a lenght of 100 bytes), but the response is “+QHTTPGET: 0,200,961536” and send me all the amount of data. What could be the problem?

The requestheader is set to 0 and I think I did all the things suggested in the application note and datasheet.

Have you some example to suggest me?

Set the following command and then test it.

Thanks for the reply.
I have already done this test but the problem remains.

I contacted an FAE in my area and the problem seems to be due to a bug in the module’s firmware (the firmware version I’m using is EG912UGLAAR03A09M08).
