HTTP sessions on EC200

According to this example given in “EC200U&EG915U Series HTTP(S) Application Note”, we have the following sequence to send an HTTP Get request to the server:


AT+QHTTPGET=80 , and etc…

However, it is unclear WHICH commands should be executed only ONCE, and which commands should be executed for every request. And what should be done at the end of each request but preferably to keep the “session” alive (whatever session means!)

My application needs to send short burst of data now and then to the server. However, data charges by TELCO is based in block sizes, for example they charge in blocks of 1M bytes, so even if my short burst of data only consumes 200 bytes, they shall be charging me the price of 1M bytes if I somehow drop the session! (Frankly I don’t know how this session can be controlled!) Would for example “AT+QIDEACT=1” clear this “session”?

Based on this info, what sequence of AT commands should I send for the least charges? Also, now and then the modem goes into some strange state - what sequence of AT commands can I send for ERROR RECOVERY? (short of restarting the modem?)

Thank you…