I have successfully uploaded test program to the EVB M66. Now, I want to view the Debug messages coming through Debug port.
All functions (Ql_Debug_Trace()) required to send Debug messages have been utilized in the program.
I am stuck at step to start debugging from Eclipse. I have not set any configurations to use the debugging port as Debug port if it is required to do so.
This is what I’ve been up to:
Started Debug Configurations -->APPGS3MDM32A01.elf was selected to Debug
2)In Debugger window, I selected proper gdb.exe file from Code Sourcery Bin folder.
3)Clicked on Debug and got this:
Dear Parth S99,
Thanks for your inquiry in Quectel forum.
For your question, please check chapter 5.12.1 in the following document. Thanks! Quectel_M66-OpenCPU_User_Guide_V1.0.pdf (2.6 MB)
Hey Kyson, I went through the User Guide and found that I programming correctly.
I want to open that debug port on windows and see the application debug messages sent while EVB executes the program.
Where Can I find the Catcher tool provided by quectel ?
Hello Kyson,
I have a similar problem. I want to debug my codes in Eclipse.
I have done all the debug configuration window view as attached pictures, but when debugging I get this error:
“Error in final launch sequence”
While “ST_DebugPortCfg debugPortCfg” is set to “BASIC_MODE” and “ql_trace.h” is also included.