How to use AG15 with UMTS&LTS EVB for C-V2X

Hello everyone. I’m a newbie with C-V2X.
I have 2 UMTS&LTS EVB with AG15. I have installed the USB drivers and the AT Commands works perfectly.
I don’t know how to move forward with my goal to communicate with the 2 modules, for example starting to send a character.
Can you help me? There is a documentation with examples available?

Thank you in advance,

For Tx Side:
1)/etc/init.d/start_cv2x_le start
2)kinematics-sample-client -n 1
3)ifconfig rmnet_data0
4)ifconfig rmnet_data1
5)cv2x-config --get-v2x-status
6)acme -G //Tx side

For Rx Side:
1)/etc/init.d/start_cv2x_le start
2)kinematics-sample-client -n 1
3)ifconfig rmnet_data0
4)ifconfig rmnet_data1
5)cv2x-config --get-v2x-status
6)acme -G –R //Rx side

What does this commands mean?
Do you have any user-guide?