How to upgrade Firmware on LC02H(BA)?


i got a LC02H for evaluation. There are several issues:

  • Time to fix after cold start is about 30 min. AGNSS provided via QGNSS V1.10 does not help.
  • Antenna Baseline is always 0.000. Trying to set it, leads to an error message, code 1.
  • Firmware version is: LC02HBANR01A02S_RQN_DH_TEMP1116,2023/11/16,14:37:52*02

Maybe a newer firmware can fix my troubles. Is it available? How to get it?

With best Regards,

Hi jsb1
What application are you currently using? Static or dynamic testing?
Can you take a photo of the connection diagram of your current module?


currently I’m testing static. The current application is QGNSS V1.10. The Module is connected via an PL2303 RX/TX to PC. The Module ist mounted on a PCB with two antennas like this one:

My use case in future is an GPS-Assisted AHRS for sailing vessels.

Best Regards, Jörg