How to test BG96 with R&S CTS 55 Digital Radio Tester? How to register without SIM?

Hi there!

I am trying to test a BG96 with a R&S CTS 55 Digital Radio Tester. Unfortunately I do not have the recommended R&S Network SIM to test it with. When I test it with a South African Vodacom SIM, the tester software crashes :frowning:

If I try to test without a SIM, I get the URC “+CPIN: NOT INSERTED”. I tried "AT+COPS=4,2,“00101” as recommended by Harald Nauman in his excellent IoT-M2M-Cookbook to force registration to a Willtek tester, but I get “+CME ERROR: 13”.

Is there a correct AT command to force the BG96 to register on a network without a SIM?

When I execute an AT+COPS=? command I get the following:
+COPS: (1,“Test PLMN 1-1”,“Test1-1”,“00101”,0),(0,1,2,3,4),(0,1,2)

Thanks in advance,

You would have to get a special R&S sim card for testing Radio Tester.

You could try this command: AT+QCFG=“sim/onchip”,1

Hi ! Why use “AT+QCFG=“sim/onchip”,1” ?
Documentation is not so useful about this command !
I’m trying to connect my BG95-M3 to Amarisoft 4G cell emulator using commercial SIM.