How to set up with EC20 on Ubuntu

It also applies to EC21/EC25/EG25/EM05.

Check USB connection



Check USB Driver

cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices

lsusb -t

On newer versions of the kernel, some modules of Quectel are already supported by default.

On Ubuntu, there is ModemManager. If you want to send AT command with microcom or minicom, please disable or stop the ModemManager.

sudo systemctl stop ModemManager

sudo systemctl disable ModemManager

Then we can send AT command with uart tools like microcom.


The EC20 support usbnet rmnet/ECM/MBIM/RNDIS.

RMNET mode

We can set the EC20 to RMNET mode.


And you can use QuectelConnectManager tool to set up data connection.

The corresponding Windows driver is the NDIS driver.
