How to send a sms (mikroe-2439 with MC60)


I’m working on a project where I’m trying to use the mikroe-2439 with the Quectel MC60 processor to send a sms with some data over to my mobile phone. I have been able to initialize the device so that I can send commands to it. However, I’m not 100% sure what kind of AT-commands I’m supposed to send in order to configure it correctly.

I’m just wondering if someone have an example or can send me a list with the AT-commands that I have to use in order to configure it correctly. I’m also using a PIC18F25K80 microcontroller to control the device.


Dear Trymany,
Thanks for your inquiry in Quectel forum.
The following is the example that how to send a sms, please check it. Hopefully it is useful to you. Thanks!