How to restart correctly modem Quectel EC25 after power outage


We use the modem QUECTEL EC25-EUX in our routers based on OPNSense but we have a big problem.
When there is a power outage in the office so the router is shutdown and then after restart, the modem is down.
How can we do to restart modem when there is power outage or other solution to avoid ask our customers restart router correctly from interface please ?


Hi @banzai69

I’m not sure I understand correctly, do you meam the design of the hardware circuit? Do you let the powerkey pulled down to GND, then the module will automatically start after power-on.


Hi @Puck-Q,

(PT-BR) Estou desenhando um pcb, com o quectel ec25 aux. Estava com a duvida de como ligar assim que fosse energizado. Se entendi bem, caso pwrkey esteja na tensĂŁo gnd o modulo liga assim que for energizado?
Dispensando a necessidade do pulso >= 500ms recomendado conforme o documento hardware design. Certo?

I’m designing a pcb, with the quectel ec25 aux. I was wondering how to turn it on once it was powered up. If I understand correctly, if pwrkey is at gnd voltage, does the module turn on as soon as it is energized?
Eliminating the need for a pulse >= 500ms recommended according to the hardware design document. Right?



Finally, we find a solution in test actually but we need to put the “SIM PIN WAIT” to 30 seconds if we want the modem restart correctly after a power outage.

Hi @murilo.viacast

PWRKEY can be pulled down directly to GND with a recommended 10 kΩ resistor if module needs
to be powered on automatically and shutdown is not needed.


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