How to resolve this : << Invalid TDB ID: flowid=0x98 sid: 0x10007da8>>

I am using EC200EU module and I compile QuecOpen SDK and when I flash it…this error comes in log. what causes this error.

You can check whether the firmware version being flashed is consistent with the module model. Could you tell me how you flashed it?

Thank you so much for replying to my query and forgive me for the late reply to your message.

I am using EC200U EU module and compiling for the same.
I am flashing the merged pac file using QFlash V6.1

Could you tell me the current firmware version you’re using and the firmware version you obtained by compiling the SDK?

Hi @anand_resolute did you resolve the issue ? Even I am facing the same issue at my end.

firmware version - LTE01R03A06
compiled file name - 8915DM_cat1_open_APPIMAGE_merge

I coud not resolve it