How to read and write file with M95

I am using stm32 and m95 module for an IOT device. M95 does call and sms functions.
I want to write Key and Certificate file to RAM for SSL Server connection. But I didn’t understand how to command include file path.
In GSM_SSL_Application_Note_V3.3 document,
Part of 3.1. SSL Function with Certificate and Key in RAM,
this command is used first:


But I use this function for AT command in my firmware:

gsm_command(“AT+QSECDEL="RAM:ca_cert.pem"\r”, 300, msg, 100, 1, “\r\nOK\r\n”, “\r\n+CME ERROR:”);

  • So how does M95 find the file path?
  • Where is ca_cert.pem?
  • Where should be it?

And another example in
GSM_FILE _AT_Commands_Manual_V1.5
5. Examples:

file atörnek

How does M95 find test2.txt file?

Please run the following command and upload the result. Preliminary judgment may be that M95 does not support SSL.


Thank you for answer.
Yes I tried this commands, M95 supports SSL and file functions.
I find the solution. I send binary data to RAM with uart as AT-command.

gsm_command("AT+QSECWRITE=\"RAM:clt.pem\",1500,100\r", 10000, msg, 100, 3, "\r\n+QSECWRITE:", "\r\nCONNECT", "\r\n+CME ERROR:");
Return file size and checksum: QSECWRITE: 1334,6e7c\r\n\r\n

gsm_command("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDrDCCApQCCQDap/pt+urfQzA .....

gsm_command("AT+QSECREAD=\"RAM:clt.pem\"\r", 1000, msg, 100, 2, "\r\n+QSECREAD:", "\r\n+CME ERROR:");
Return 1 and checksum: QSECREAD: 1,6e7c

gsm_command("AT+QFLDS=\"RAM\"\r", 300, msg, 100, 1, "\r\n+QFLDS:");
Return free storage and total storage size: QFLDS: 642556,647668,642556

Configure CA certificate.
gsm_command("AT+QSSLCFG=\"cacert\",0,\"RAM:ca.pem\"\r", 1000, msg, 100, 2, "\r\nOK", "\r\nERROR"); // OK

Configure client certificate.
gsm_command("AT+QSSLCFG=\"clientcert\",0,\"RAM:clt.pem\"\r", 1000, msg, 100, 2, "\r\nOK", "\r\nERROR"); // OK

Configure client key
gsm_command("AT+QSSLCFG=\"clientkey\",0,\"RAM:key.pem\"\r", 1000, msg, 100, 2, "\r\nOK", "\r\nERROR"); // OK