How to implement OTA on EC20CEFLG-128-SGNS

Hi all,
We using above mentioned part number with QuecOpen OS. there is a requirement of Over the Air update for this device… I have told by FAE that, since it has low memory constraint, dfota is not feasible on this device… If that is the case then what are the better available ways to update the device remotely…

Dear rasannaK

Did FAE say that DFota upgrades can’t be used?The current firmware update uses this feature?What model do you use?At standard mode?What is the current firmware version?

Hello there
If dfota function can not use in your device, it shows the memory too small. If you must use remote update, you can delete the function you do not need in file system to reach the enough memory. You must be familiar to file system or you can send your request to